Startup Junkie Launches Instructional Video Series

Startup Junkie Launches Instructional Video Series

In response to the cancellation of all in-person events, including scheduled workshops and educational programs, Startup Junkie is launching a digital library of instructional videos for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Each video in this library will...
Paul Graham: Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy

Paul Graham: Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy

By Paul GrahamFrom October 2008The economic situation is apparently so grim that some experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the mid-seventies.When Microsoft and Apple were founded.As those examples suggest, a recession may not be such a bad time to start a...

7 Tips for Startup Marketing on a Budget

As a startup, you’ll need to turn the audience’s attention to your business. Most startups find this to be a problem as they don’t have the possibility to spend a lot of money on marketing. This initial challenge can seem like a tough one, but it’s not all about who...