The Top 5 Reasons Brands Make Videos

The Top 5 Reasons Brands Make Videos

By Caroline Forsey | HubSpotVideo is fast-becoming the preferred tool for most marketers to connect with and reach new audiences.Video marketing is undeniably effective, too — in fact, including a video on a landing page is capable of increasing conversion...
How to Manage Your Entire Marketing Budget

How to Manage Your Entire Marketing Budget

Megan Conley | HubSpot Blog Let’s say your company decided to invest in a website redesign to improve lead generation, and you’re responsible for managing the project.Naturally, one of the first questions you have is, “How much is...
9 Social Media Trends Marketers Should Watch in 2021

9 Social Media Trends Marketers Should Watch in 2021

Pamela Bump | HubSpot Blog As we near the end of 2020, one thing is certain: We’ve spent a lot of time on social media this year.But, our increased connection to social media isn’t at all shocking.In March, as countries implemented stay-at-home...