Numbers Fib, Statistics Lie!

Numbers Fib, Statistics Lie!

Numbers Fib, Statistics Lie!Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable.Mark TwainDuring the darkest days of the Second World War, Allied bombers were being shot down in alarming numbers. To address those losses, a study was commissioned to examine...
Keeping Up With K

Keeping Up With K

Entrepreneurs are a rare breed, oftentimes willing to go the distance when others won’t. Staying resilient in the barricade of “no’s” they receive, entrepreneurs tough it out, knowing that quitting is not, nor ever will be, an option.We spoke with K Clarence Lawrence,...
Kasim’s Comeback

Kasim’s Comeback

Sitting with Omar Kasim at his organic cold-pressed juice bar, I got the scoop on his comeback, as well as the process of building Juice Palm in the wake of losing Con Quesos a year ago.Con Quesos had originally started out as Omar’s honors thesis, which he...
My Entrepreneurial Journey

Mi viaje empresarial

No existe un camino estándar ni un camino común para convertirse en emprendedor. Cada uno de nosotros tiene su propia historia y su propia razón para elegir este camino. El camino empresarial carece de seguridad “percibida”, de elementos de prestigio y puede ser un viaje solitario. Sin embargo, he encontrado...
Libby Primm, RHU

Libby Primm, RHU

This week we sat down with Libby Primm, founder of Primm Risk Solutions. Located in Springdale across from the Country Club, Libby’s office hosts less than ten employees – each of them adamantly offering us Skittles as we walked through the door. Primm Risk Solutions...