How to Raise Capital in Uncertain Times

How to Raise Capital in Uncertain Times

For the past decade, we have been in the midst of the biggest economic expansion in American history with unemployment at a historic low of 3.6%. Naturally, during periods of economic expansion, raising capital for a startup or new business is...
5 Tips for Young Entrepreneurs Hoping to Raise Venture Capital

5 Tips for Young Entrepreneurs Hoping to Raise Venture Capital

The daily news of startups raising multi-million-dollar funding is enough to suggest it’s almost easy to raise venture capital. Unfortunately for most entrepreneurs, nothing could be further from the truth — VC firms are more selective than ever in allocating their...
Simple Tips for Leading a Remote Workforce

Consejos sencillos para liderar una fuerza laboral remota

De la revista Inc.: Trabajar desde casa se ha convertido en una cruda realidad para millones de estadounidenses a medida que las empresas, grandes y pequeñas, cierran oficinas para evitar la propagación de COVID-19. Como resultado, innumerables líderes de equipo ahora son responsables de liderar a sus equipos desde lejos....