Alissa Owsley

  • Executive & Leadership Coaching
  • Crafting development plans and learning paths
  • Building strong, healthy culture and teams
  • Change and transition management best practices
  • Designing and launching custom learning and leadership programs
  • Extensive facilitation experience
  • Workshop topics include:
    • Feedback Essentials
    • Navigating Change
    • Building Influence
    • Difficult Interactions
    • Curiosity as a Superpower
    • Communication

If you were to describe Alissa broadly, you’d simply say “people are her jam.” She chose to direct her Communications degree into business, and her 20+ years of experience yield one key conviction: employees are first and foremost people. Alissa employed this philosophy during her early career in the nonprofit world, at a global S&P 500 company leading talent development, and as a consultant with LifeWork. She offers a wealth of Learning & Development experience crafting strategies, processes, and programs to help organizations grow their people.

