We won’t sugar coat it – we are in a period of crisis that’s unlike anything anyone alive has ever seen. And it’s impacting absolutely everyone. As one of Northwest Arkansas’ foremost entrepreneurial support organizations, we have seen firsthand just how hard our local business community has been hit, and we still have a long way to go before we’re on the other side of this thing. 

The Startup Junkie team is here to help the small business community as best we possibly can. We’ll continue to provide free consulting, access to resources, critical information, and encouragement as long as we have breath in our lungs. But it’s going to take everyone working together to lift up our small business community. 

Startup Junkie has partnered with B-Unlimited, as part of their Alliance Collection Initiative, to provide a little extra support to local small businesses amid this devastating COVID-19 crisis. B-Unlimited has designed us a shirt that highlights the call of action for every business in crisis: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.  

We’re selling this shirt to double-down on our support for local small businesses, and we’re not keeping a dime of the profit. Every penny of Startup Junkie’s proceeds will be put toward supporting our small business clients. We don’t expect to sell a million shirts, and we know we won’t be able to make the financial impact these businesses truly need. But it’s a start. And in times like these, anything helps. 

The shirt is available to purchase here. 

 Now, more than ever, businesses need to think like a startup. Move at an entrepreneur’s speed. Improvise, adapt, and overcome. Help us support and encourage our local small business community. 

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Other ways you can help support local small businesses: 

