After more than a year of being forced apart by the pandemic, we are celebrating what makes the Northwest Arkansas venture ecosystem great by highlighting the incredible founders and hardworking entrepreneurial support organization leader – all of whom drive our region forward and make it a better place to start a business!  

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing profiles from some of the region’s entrepreneurial all-stars… Be on the look-out for more!  

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Executive Consultant & Capital Access Manager: Martha Londagin, Startup Junkie

Who has had the most influence on you in your professional/entrepreneurial journey? 

My husband, Doug, who has been the biggest supporter to me in every way at every turn and in every decision from my career paths, to our small business we own and run together, to raising our wonderful son Carter which gives me the peace of mind to be able to be fully engaged at work.


What do you think has been your biggest achievement yet? 

Personally – my 34-year marriage. Professionally – it would be graduating on time from law school while having a child in my second year!


What about your biggest setback or challenge; and how did you overcome it?

CHALLENGE: Realizing after many years that a standard law firm associate attorney position was not the career I wanted for my life’s work, and so then taking a big leap to start a brand-new career path at age 46 by going to work at the Walton College in the small business center (ASBTDC) there. I am eternally grateful to Larry Brian (its director at the time) for believing I could make such a major pivot into the non-profit and service industry.


If you could go back in time and give your younger self advice, knowing what you know now, what would it be? 

Slow. Down.  


What’s your favorite business tool? 



What makes a successful entrepreneur? 

TALENT gained by experience in making the product or providing the service PLUS a DESIRE TO LEARN about all the daily business details of running a business.


Someone wants to start their own business – what’s the first piece of advice or first step you recommend to them?  



What’s a typical day of work look like for you?  

There is no typical (: BUT ALWAYS every day – interactions with people! I serve entrepreneurs from those in the very early idea “maybe” phase, to those in business for years with a new need to improve their business, to high school students learning about the small business world, to civic groups wanting an update on our NWA entrepreneur ecosystem, to business owners needing to learn about the Kiva microloan process… so, LOTS of wonderful interactions daily via email, Zoom, in person in a one-on-one meeting or with lots of people at an event, or speaking to attendees at one of my seminars, and LOTS of emails, etc.


What keeps you up at night? 

Worrying that I don’t do enough for my friends and family to love and support them.


How do you stay motivated? 

Well, I LOVE MY WORK so that is easy – and specifically the special joy I feel when I help someone believe in themselves that they can be a successful entrepreneur – and they smile – and I see that look of confidence.
