The digital world is more important than ever, especially for brand awareness. Most brands have recognised that people spend a lot of their time online, so they’ve chosen to move the bulk of their advertisement to online hubs and platforms. 

Through this gradual shift, the concept of digital PR began to emerge. In fact, the right digital PR strategy produces more results than this for building your brand. 

This article will discuss a few major advantages of Digital PR and the methods experts use to build brand identity using PR, so keep reading to find out what they are! 

All about story telling

At its very core, digital PR is all about telling a good story. As Matthew Andrews, a marketing writer at Draft Beyond puts it- “The aim of PR is to use your story, the tale of how you started and what motivated you to set out on your journey to create and communicate your identity with your audience. Your story forms the basis of your core values, which impacts much of what your brand does.” 

It’s important to remember that creating a brand identity humanises you, makes you more appealing and relatable. 

Remember to give tone to your content

Your tone is not so much about the message itself but how you phrase it and present it to your audience. Remember it’s important to keep a consistent tone and be mindful of your audience, how they develop over time and what sort of messaging they seem to prefer. Digital PR is a fluid discipline that very much follows trends, so you have to always be on the ball about it!

Know the importance of your purpose

This may sound almost redundant, but interestingly it’s something some brands forget to do. Ask yourself, what do you want to accomplish with the content you’re sharing? 

Nadine Evans, a business expert at Research papers UK and Writinity says- “Deciding on the goal of your content not only helps with the tone itself, but with where this content will appear.” Every aspect of digital PR is very finely intertwined so having a clear set of goals is essential to obtain an effective strategy that actually works when it’s implemented.  

Create fit for format content

Creating a fit for format content entails optimizing the content for a particular platform or medium, which in turn boosts the creative efficiency of the content. It means curating your posts and other pieces of media to match the platform’s SEO, which involves a lot more work than making a single post throughout your social media accounts, but the difference in results is abysmal! 

Understand your audience’s content needs

It’s important to remember that your audience aren’t targets, they’re your customers. You don’t want to harass them with endless posts that spam their feeds. On the other hand, you also want to make sure they remember that you exist, and that you’re satisfying their content demands. In order to do this, you must analyse the type of audience that you have and consider their position in the digital world, as well as their position in the physical world. In other words, get to know your audience, and make them feel heard! 

Remember that brand loyalty is key

Creating brand loyalty is what will give you a solid customer base that you can grow, instead of having a more precarious fan base. So which kind of content can help you gain strong brand loyalty? First of all, you need to set up your unique brand story that represents your company’s values and contributes to your authenticity on the market. Once again, it’s all about humanity and relatability. 

Having worked on your brand story, you need to identify your brand voice and use it throughout various social media platforms. A combination of having a unique story to tell and using your own brand voice to spread it will help you become an outstanding company and help distinguish yourself from others who provide similar services.


Digital PR is the key to brand awareness success, so be sure to follow these tips to see your business take off in no time!


Alex Dubinski is a an online marketing strategist at Lucky Assignments London and Gum Essays. He have a five-year experience of working in marketing industry. He has a great passion for reading and writing, enjoys good food and loves to travel. He also writes for Last minute writing.
