2024년 7월 15일

387: 재생 가능 농업의 선두주자: 탄소 닭 프로젝트


이번 에피소드에서는 스타트업 중독자, hosts Harrison Kitson and Caleb Talley dive into the innovative Carbon Chicken Project with Turner Tomlinson, Jody Hardin, and Richard Ims. These pioneers are at the forefront of renewable agriculture, utilizing biochar and up-cycled poultry litter to revolutionize farming practices. 

Turner Tomlinson, with a background in chemical engineering and water management, underscores the importance of addressing the issue of excess poultry litter. Therefore, the Carbon Chicken Project involves upcycling this poultry litter using pyrolysis technology to produce bioenergy, thus establishing a carbon-negative farming ecosystem that combats climate change by promoting regenerative farming practices and carbon sequestration.

Jody Hardin, a fifth-generation farmer, introduces the vision of creating the first carbon-registered project in Northwest Arkansas. This initiative aims to enable local companies to offset their carbon footprints while revolutionizing agriculture.

Lastly, Richard Ims brings his entrepreneurial experience to the discussion, emphasizing the commercial viability and diverse applications of biochar in increasing feed efficiency and water retention. Their target customers range from backyard gardeners to commercial farmers, showcasing the product’s versatility.

Throughout the episode, Turner, Jody, and Richard share their motivations, the challenges they face, and the innovative solutions they’re implementing to create a meaningful impact on the environment. Join us for an inspiring conversation about the future of agriculture and our role in combating climate change!

메모 표시

(0:00) 소개 

(0:59) Turner’s Background

(2:19) About Jody

(3:57) Richard’s Origin Story

(7:25) The Genesis of the Carbon Chicken Project

(19:22) Potential Markets for the Carbon Chicken Project

(21:59) Exploring the Carbon Chicken Project’s Mission and Legacy

(28:32) Multifaceted Problem Solving

(33:17) The Carbon Chicken Project’s Ideal Customer

(35:21) Why the Carbon Chicken Project’s Product is Emerging Now

(39:29) Advice to Younger Selves

(42:34) Closing Question


해리슨 킷슨

케일럽 탤리

스타트업 중독자

스타트업 중독자 유튜브

Turner Tomlinson

Jody Hardin

Richard Ims

Carbon Chicken Project

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