2023년 8월 21일

355: Metova의 Jonathan Sasse와 함께 전략적 기술 구축


이번 에피소드에서는 스타트업 중독자, hosts Jeff Amerine, Victoria Dickerson, and Grace Gill sit down with Jonathan Sasse, chief strategy officer at Metova. Jonathan talks about the process of implementing new technologies, such as AI and machine learning, into businesses with outdated or inefficient systems. He also discusses the importance of understanding why their customers purchase from them, how to build trust with clients, and how to end up with the right product rather than the easiest solution. 

메모 표시

(0:36) Introducing Jonathan and His Origin Story

(3:21) What’s on the Horizon for Metova

(5:40) Jonathan’s Take on AI

(10:34) Knowing When to Implement New Technologies

(15:26) Metova’s Ideal Customer

(19:14) Helping Decisions Makers Understand the Need for New Tech

(23:13) Metova’s Development Cycle

(27:06) Building Relationships with Clients

(29:35) Advice to the Younger Self

(31:04) Closing Thoughts


제프 아메린

빅토리아 디커슨

그레이스 길

Jonathan Sasse 


인용 부호

[We’re] really looking at things through the customer’s lens. So like, what do your customers want from you? What are they hiring you for in the first place? And what’s frustrating them? And if AI can help make that better, great. But we also have to be careful [of] technology for the sake of technology, because it will happen. They’re like, here’s all the things I need, and it’s the five buzziest technology things.” – Jonathan Sasse, (8:27) 

So as a customer, I’m applying a lens of, I know it’s possible, but you didn’t do it. And so now I want this from you because it’s clearly possible. And it’s not so much that your competitors dangled some new feature to me, but I was exposed to something that’s clearly technologically possible that you could choose to implement and make my life better.” – Jonathan Sasse, (12:25)

Our sweet spot is really established companies that don’t have technology as their core DNA and that are at some kind of a crossroads. They’re not exactly sure where to go, but they have the resources to invest in doing it, and they have enough upside to come out of that with the ROI that’s needed.” – Jonathan Sasse, (15:53)

A dev shop will build what you tell them to build…As a product agency, it’s more about the consulting and advising—you know, we’re bringing things to the table that are maybe going to change the direction of their business, maybe change their business model. We’re going to be advisors at a very high level and certainly a strategic partner…” – Jonathan Sasse, (28:38)

Building Strategic Technology with Jonathan Sasse of Metova

이번 에피소드에서는 스타트업 중독자, hosts Jeff Amerine, Victoria Dickerson, and Grace Gill sit down with Jonathan Sasse, chief strategy officer at Metova. Jonathan talks about the process of implementing new technologies, such as AI and machine learning, into businesses with outdated or inefficient systems. He also discusses the importance of understanding why their customers purchase from them, how to build trust with clients, and how to end up with the right product rather than the easiest solution. 

Building Technology Solutions and Partnering with Clients

Metova builds custom software solutions such as mobile applications, web applications, and cloud installations and architectures for businesses that know they need to pivot their technology but don’t have the DNA to build solutions on their own. Jonathan and his team work with clients across 10+ industries, primarily startups with funding and established businesses that know they need to modify and modernize their systems but don’t have the resources to do so on their own. 

Our sweet spot is really established companies that don’t have technology as their core DNA and that are at some kind of a crossroads. They’re not exactly sure where to go, but they have the resources to invest in doing it, and they have enough upside to come out of that with the ROI that’s needed.” – Jonathan Sasse, (15:53)

As Jonathan explained on the podcast, Metova doesn’t merely build software solutions for clients. The brand partners with clients to identify pain points, weaknesses, and inefficiencies in their current systems while crafting solutions that improve user experience and increase customer loyalty. 

A dev shop will build what you tell them to build…As a product agency, it’s more about the consulting and advising—you know, we’re bringing things to the table that are maybe going to change the direction of their business, maybe change their business model. We’re going to be advisors at a very high level and certainly a strategic partner…” – Jonathan Sasse, (28:38)

Rather than comparing their clients to similar businesses in the same industry, Metova strategizes new technological developments based on what the client’s customers are looking for. For example, if Jonathan is working with a lawn care company, he isn’t comparing other lawn care services to see which direction his client needs to take. Instead, he considers how technological developments in other industries could impact his client. If pizza brands can tell you exactly where your pizza is and when it will arrive, why can’t lawn care services provide the same type of information about when their crew will arrive at a job site? 

So as a customer, I’m applying a lens of, I know it’s possible, but you didn’t do it. And so now I want this from you because it’s clearly possible. And it’s not so much that your competitors dangled some new feature to me, but I was exposed to something that’s clearly technologically possible that you could choose to implement and make my life better.” – Jonathan Sasse, (12:25)

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