2023년 2월 27일

330: PR과 AI의 만남: Stamatis Astra를 통한 지능적 관계 탐구


또 다른 멋진 에피소드에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 스타트업 중독자!

On this episode, hosts Victoria Dickerson, Jeff Amerine, and Grace Gill sit down with Stamatis Astra, co-founder and head of product at Intelligent Relations, a PR firm that leverages artificial intelligence to build broader and smarter relationships. Additionally, Stamatis is a venture partner who invests in strategic startups with applications that enrich people’s lives. He also co-hosts Grecian Echoes, a talk show in Boston, that offers an in-depth analysis of current news and events laced with provocative commentary to its one hundred fifty thousand Greek-American audience members. Throughout this episode, Stamatis discusses his experience as a lifetime entrepreneur, finding excitement in the beginnings of new ventures, and making public relations accessible for businesses of every size.

메모 표시:

(0:49) Introduction to Stamatis

(1:20) Stamatis’s Background

(3:57) About Intelligent Relations

(10:59) How Artificial Intelligence Benefits Companies

(13:52) Different Startup Models

(18:18) Chasing New Ventures

(21:47) Raising Venture Capital

(25:34) Overcoming Challenges

(29:34) Advice to Younger Self

(30:39) Closing Question


빅토리아 디커슨

제프 아메린

그레이스 길

스타트업 중독자

Stamatis Astra

Intelligent Relations

인용 부호:

“Our technology is a combination of media monitoring databases and artificial intelligence. It allows us to, depending on the company, find the relevant stories, find the relevant journalists that cover the stories, and create relationships with them…bottom line is, we allow any business to connect with journalists and get press.” – Stamatis Astra, (5:34)

“There’s very different levels of startups. There’s a startup that is simply a Powerpoint or a deck and there’s two or three people and that’s it. And there’s a startup with a seed round and twenty-five to fifty people that pay salaries.” – Stamatis Astra, (14:14)

“That’s what we do. We train the model, we get the data. The more data we get, and the more speeches and ideas the customer puts in, the more robust the model gets in order to do all the matching and creating the content.” – Stamatis Astra, (27:38)

PR meets AI: Diving into Intelligent Relations with Stamatis Astra

On this episode, hosts Victoria Dickerson, Jeff Amerine, and Grace Gill sit down with Stamatis Astra, co-founder and head of product at Intelligent Relations, a PR firm that leverages artificial intelligence to build broader and smarter relationships. Additionally, Stamatis is a venture partner who invests in strategic startups with applications that enrich people’s lives. He also co-hosts Grecian Echoes, a talk show in Boston, that offers an in-depth analysis of current news and events laced with provocative commentary to its one hundred fifty thousand Greek-American audience members. Throughout this episode, Stamatis discusses his experience as a lifetime entrepreneur, finding excitement in the beginnings of new ventures, and making public relations accessible for businesses of every size.

Providing PR Solutions

Intelligent Relations’ mission is to democratize PR by empowering leaders and brands to start generating media coverage. It’s designed for small to medium-sized businesses that may struggle with getting stories in the press, not Fortune 500 companies that are able to get press releases picked up immediately. By breaking down the fundamentals of public relations practices like media monitoring and contact building, Intelligent Relations has created a suite of products that puts the power back into the company’s hands. 

“Our technology is a combination of media monitoring databases and artificial intelligence. It allows us to, depending on the company, find the relevant stories, find the relevant journalists that cover the stories, and create relationships with them…bottom line is, we allow any business to connect with journalists and get press.” – Stamatis Astra, (5:34)

Oftentimes, traditional PR firms charge a considerable rate in order for clients to have access to expansive media connections. Whereas Intelligent Relations utilizes a few basic inputs from a company’s onboarding process, like its industry, area of focus, and competitors, to curate lists of relevant stories and receptive journalists. A dynamic and cross-cultural mindset lies at the heart of everything Intelligent Relations does, enabling it to think outside-the-box and solve big problems.

Intelligent Relations’ Value Proposition

Intelligent Relations pairs cutting-edge artificial intelligence with human expertise to provide companies with enhanced public relations solutions. Its AI-powered technology allows anyone, regardless of their PR experience, to generate their own media coverage. This makes it possible for companies to identify stories as soon as they break, stay on top of their competitors’ strategies, and be up-to-date on industry talking points. 

“That’s what we do. We train the model, we get the data. The more data we get, and the more speeches and ideas the customer puts in, the more robust the model gets in order to do all the matching and creating the content.” – Stamatis Astra, (27:38)

Moreover, Intelligent Relations has an AI pitch writing tool that grants companies the ability to send highly optimized and personalized media pitches to journalists on a mass scale. And its journalist matching algorithm identifies which journalists are most likely to be interested in a company’s pitch, which helps the organization achieve three times the success of traditional outreach strategies. Everything is managed directly from Intelligent Relations’ intuitive, cloud-based interface where users can choose between its DIY platform or its full service PR package.

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