28 de noviembre de 2023

NWA Kiva Hub recauda $1 millones en préstamos sin intereses para apoyar a los empresarios locales

The Northwest Arkansas Kiva hub is celebrating a major milestone as they have now provided $1 million in interest-free loans to empower and support local entrepreneurs. The crowdfunded microloan program has facilitated opportunities for over 100 financially excluded and socially impacted business owners across Northwest Arkansas.

Startup Junkie Foundation lanzó el primer Kiva Hub oficial del estado in Northwest Arkansas in December of 2019. The hub serves as a local resource center by which entrepreneurs and small business owners can access the Kiva platform to obtain no-fee, no-interest microloans of up to $15,000 from a community of local and national lenders.

Kiva’s philosophy centers around character over credit and the strength of community-based lending. As a result, the Northwest Arkansas Kiva Hub facilitates funding opportunities for entrepreneurs who may not qualify for traditional lenders.

Thanks to this impactful initiative, the NWA Kiva Hub has successfully raised $1 million. This funding has allowed local innovators to launch new ventures, expand their businesses, and better serve the community with their products and services.

The $1 million raised is testimony to Northwest Arkansas’ dedication to fostering the growth and development of its thriving small business community.

“This achievement showcases our unwavering commitment to empowering entrepreneurs and fueling their dreams. Each loan we’ve extended is not just a transaction but a testament to resilience, determination, and the belief that every dream is worth investing in. Here’s to the first million, and to many more as we continue to build bridges towards financial inclusion and economic prosperity.” said Claudia Scott, Kiva NWA Capital Access Manager. “We extend our deepest gratitude to our lenders and supporters. Your faith in our mission has fueled dreams and empowered entrepreneurs, turning small businesses into catalysts for change. You are not just lenders; you are partners in creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to prosper. Thank you for standing with us on this journey towards financial inclusion and economic empowerment.”

In commemoration of the achievement, Kiva NWA will host a “$1 Million Milestone” celebration on February 22nd at 6:00pm at TheatreSquared. The event will be a recognition of the success of all Kiva NWA borrowers and a gesture of thanks to all its lenders. More information is set to be released over the coming months.


Acerca de Kiva NWA

Kiva NWA is a Fayetteville-based microlending platform, facilitated by Startup Junkie Foundation and supported by the Walton Family Foundation, dedicated to providing financial access to entrepreneurs in Northwest Arkansas. The program believes in character over credit and the power of community-based lending. Because of these beliefs, they provide funding opportunities for entrepreneurs where conventional lenders can’t. Through Kiva NWA, borrowers and small businesses can crowdfund interest-free business loans ranging from $1000  to $15,000.

Si es propietario de una pequeña empresa y desea recibir un préstamo a través de NWA Kiva Hub, puede comunicarse con su gerente de acceso a capital, Claudia Scott, en nwa@local.kiva.org o al 479.264.5856 si tiene alguna pregunta o para obtener asistencia sin costo con el proceso de solicitud.

Acerca de la Fundación Startup Junkie

Startup Junkie es una organización impulsada por una misión que existe para mejorar vidas a través de la innovación y el espíritu empresarial. Con el objetivo de estimular el crecimiento económico en la región, la organización ofrece una variedad de servicios que incluyen tutoría, consultoría, capacitación y más. Startup Junkie tiene una extensa red de socios y profesionales que se dedican a mejorar el ecosistema empresarial en el noroeste de Arkansas. La Fundación ha ayudado a miles de emprendedores a través de consultoría personalizada y organiza más de 200 eventos y programas al año.
