30 de diciembre de 2024

404: De su ático a una salida de nueve cifras: las charlas de Jeffrey Feldberg sobre cómo maximizar el valor de la empresa


En este episodio de Adictos a las startups, hosts Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Harrison Kitson have a conversation with the co-founder of Deep Wealth, Jeffrey Feldberg. Jeffrey’s journey began in a modest attic with a small e-learning startup in 1996 and has evolved into a masterclass in business exits.

Despite facing initial challenges, Jeffrey’s company gained remarkable traction, leading to a substantial seven-figure buyout offer from a Fortune 10 company. Unyielding in his vision, Jeffrey declined the offer, choosing instead to immerse himself in the intricacies of business exits. Within a mere twenty-four months, his perseverance paid off, as he successfully orchestrated a nine-figure deal for his company.

Deep Wealth was born from this success. Jeffrey realized that exiting a business requires a unique set of skills distinct from those needed to grow or start one. His frustration with costly, inexperienced advisors propelled him to refine his strategies and develop an industry-agnostic, nine-step system for business exits. This framework is designed to guide entrepreneurs through the complex exit process, catering to diverse industries and age groups.

Beyond financial gain, Jeffrey emphasizes the importance of rewarding key team members and fostering a culture of gratitude and generosity within organizations. His belief in the transformative potential of successful business exits extends to broader societal impacts; he envisions a “virtuous cycle” where the wealth generated from exits is reinvested into the community, sparking further innovation and economic growth.

Deep Wealth stands as a beacon for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate their exits strategically and successfully. With Jeffrey Feldberg’s expert guidance, entrepreneurs can not only achieve their financial goals but also contribute to the enrichment of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Mostrar notas

(00:00) Introducción

(01:08) About Deep Wealth

(10:17) Advice on Receiving All Stock Offers

(13:33) Diving Into Deep Wealth’s Nine-Step System

(22:51) How Entrepreneurs Help Solve Problems

(29:42) Advice to Younger Self

(32:17) Closing Question


Jeff Amerine

Caleb Talley

Harrison Kitson

Startup Junkie

Adicto a las startups YouTube

Jeffrey Feldberg

Deep Wealth

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