10 de enero de 2022

277: Realmente amo lo que haces con el decano Matt Waller de Walton College of Business


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Episode 277 finds our hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Davis McEntire sitting around the table with none other than Dean Matt Waller of the Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. We discuss topics around the growth and future of Northwest Arkansas, falling in love with entrepreneurship, and leaving a legacy of a life well lived. This is an inspiring episode and we are excited for you guys to get to hear it!

Thank you for tuning in!

Mostrar notas:

(0:50) Introducing Matt Waller

(1:45) A Brief History of Walton College of Business 

(10:28) Outdoor Recreation Business 

(13:03) Upcoming Masters Programs

(18:14) Building Healthy Young Business People

(24:03) From Entrepreneurship to Deanship 

(33:23) Venture Capital Firm and Working through Chemo

(44:17) Advice to Waller’s Younger Self

(49:07) Wrap Up



Jeff Amerine

Davis McEntire 

Caleb Talley

Matt Waller

Sam M. Walton College of Business 


“That’s one of the changes, when I first got here 27 years ago, people would come get a job and then leave. There weren’t as many jobs in Arkansas. Now there’s lots of jobs in Arkansas.” (16:44) – Matt Waller


“We want students to come in and leave as E.P.I.C. business people: excellence, professionalism, innovation, collegiality.” (18:49) – Matt Waller


“I love business. I don’t feel like I’m working most of the time. My whole life I always don’t feel like I’m working.” (28:35) Matt Waller


I think there have been times in my life where I’ve tried to do things I’m not good at. And now that I know I’m comfortable enough now, Yeah, that’s something I would not do good at. And so I’m not going to do it (45:55) – Matt Waller


“There’s two problems people have. They let fear hold them back, I’ve done that a time or two, or two they let hubris hurt them.” 

(46:11) – Matt Waller




Actually Loving What You Do with Dean Matt Waller of Sam M. Walton College of Business

“I worked sun-up to sundown. My dad didn’t tell me I had to do it and my mom didn’t tell me [to do it]. I liked it and I’m still like that.” (28:27) – Matt Waller

It’s an exciting time at the University of Arkansas, which led us to bring on Matt Waller, Dean of the Sam M. Walton College of Business. Waller has two ventures and 27 years of deanship under his belt, and we were nothing short of amazed at the legacy he is leaving.


When Waller arrived at the Walton College of business as a visiting assistant professor, they were not ranked in anything. Aspirations for climbing up the public university ranking were not where he would stop, but in achieving ranking amongst both public and private would be the goal. This year, the Walton College is 36th on the public and private school rankings. Waller attributes it to a continuation to never stop improving. This mentality allowed the school to be ranked number one in supply chain across North America this last year.


Waller has a few items on his list that he was excited to discuss with us surrounding the future of the Walton College of Business. First, there is the physical space around the buildings that have created the college. With the student’s attendance jumping in numbers from 1400 in 2016 to 1900 this past year, he dreams of creating an innovative and high-end space where these students can study and learn. This brought him to his next passion, the outdoor recreation influence amongst these students. Northwest Arkansas is known for its trail, hiking, and mountain biking, with an 11 million dollar trail adjacent to Walton College. Studies show that students interested in business and outdoor recreation come to the university and then do not want to leave Northwest Arkansas. An outdoor recreation business undergraduate certification is on the horizon, and Waller could not be more excited. 


The future of Walton College includes impending master’s programs, focus on business tech, growing out their buildings, and having people stay in Northwest Arkansas after they graduate. 


Waller cares not only for the future of the college but also the well-being of the students. He explains that the school wants to create E.P.I.C. students, standing for: excellence, professionalism, innovation, and collegiality. By helping these young adults seek health in their diet, physical activity, sleep patterns, community, and studies, he wants to build out young professionals who are not just living but thriving. 


Rewinding the track, Waller explains his first sip of the entrepreneurial kool-aid. He grew up in a duplex in Kansas City, Missouri, that needed a pool attendant. He then taught himself how to balance chemicals, change PVC piping, and thus his business began after putting a small ad in the newspaper. A few more companies along the way stemmed from his passion for fixing problems and making his own way. 


His love for business turned into his next venture with supply chain. Finding his specialty is optimization and stochastics, he would find himself with brands such as Pillsbury when leveling up in his business experience. As he continued to learn and grow, he leaned into becoming a professor, going off on a few more business adventures and then landing where he is at present, and he loves it. 


Our favorite part of this episode was when we asked Waller what advice he would give to his younger self, and here is a quick summary. Do not let the cares of this world steal your joy. This looks like neither living by fear nor hubris, allowing people who love you to speak into your life and enjoying the good things and people at each stage of your life. 

“I think if I could go back, I would say, ‘Matt, yeah, keep working hard, do your best, but don’t worry so much. Bad things are going to happen to you. Terrible things. You’ll survive. Good things are going to happen. Enjoy them, enjoy time with everyone.’” 

(45:08) – Matt Waller

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