May 10, 2021

242: Riding the Tornado with Tobin Lehman


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In this episode, Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Matthew Ward talk with Tobin Lehman, President of New North and author of Ride the Tornado.  New North is a B2B tech marketing agency that focuses on zigging while other marketing trends zag.  Caleb, Jeff, Matthew, and Tobin discuss having a strategy vs. being adaptable, making personal connections in sales, jumping on new trends, and helping young entrepreneurs.  You’ll want to hear this episode.  Thanks for tuning in!

Mostrar notas

(0:59) Introducing Tobin Lehman and his book

(5:37) Digital marketing challenges for small businesses

(7:16) Strategy vs. agility

(13:00) Early-adopting media formats for lead generation

(19:12) Breaking convention

(24:54) Scratching the entrepreneurial itch

(31:18) The intrigue of the tech space

(33:38) Writing Ride the Tornado

(39:43) Advice for the younger self

(42:10) Wrap up


Caleb Talley

Jeff Amerine

Mateo Ward 

Tobin Lehman 

Ride the Tornado

New North  


I think that’s one of the mistakes – maybe one of the missteps – that a lot of early tech or early startups make is just trying to do a little too much versus just winning really well on one or two, three channels at the most.”  (6:44)

There’s these big, almost like tectonic shifts in marketing, which is really strange.  And so our advocation is usually like, if everybody’s going this way, go that way, let’s try something different.”  (19:55)

For me, it’s not about building the next big company for myself, but I’m really liking to see people come up and see them have this idea and watch it go through their brain like, I’ve seen that.  I know what that feels like…That’s something that I think is awesome.”  (26:49)

Riding the Tornado with Tobin Lehman
Every business has to deal with the effects of changes that stem from outside and third-party factors, but this is often amplified for small businesses. Do you let the developments of a changing world hamstring your plans, or are you prepared to adapt to make the situation advantageous for you and your company?

On this week’s episode of the Startup Junkies Podcast, Tobin Lehman joined Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Matthew Ward to discuss B2B marketing. Tobin is an entrepreneur who has started seven businesses, including New North, a B2B tech marketing agency. He also authored Ride the Tornado, a book about taking advantage of change rather than caving into it.

For Tobin, starting his own marketing agency always seemed like an inevitability. He grew up in a family of business owners, and his degree in graphic design trained him to be an entrepreneur. After school, he spent time in a few different agencies, but he always knew he would strike out on his own one day.  

He founded New North in 2008, intending to help B2B tech companies grow and obtain more customers. Most of the team at New North shares Tobin’s entrepreneurial mindset, which aids in looking outside the box as they uncover marketing solutions for their clients. They are constantly looking for ways to zig while other agencies zag.

There’s these big, almost like tectonic shifts in marketing, which is really strange. And so our advocation is usually like, if everybody’s going this way, go that way, let’s try something different.” (19:55)

Recently, they’ve been exploring using video within emails as a way to stand out. When you receive an email, you expect to open it and find text, but a video will catch you off guard. Grabbing a prospective client’s attention like this is a sure-fire way to establish a personal connection right off the bat. This personal connection, Tobin says, is the key to converting excellent marketing into a sale.

When Tobin helps small businesses, he encourages them to learn to say “no” to marketing opportunities. There are thousands of marketing pitches, but spreading yourself too thin is an easy way to ensure that you see a minimal return. Instead, learning how to maximize a few channels is a better path to a solid return.  

I think that’s one of the mistakes – maybe one of the missteps – that a lot of early tech or early startups make is just trying to do a little too much versus just winning really well on one or two, three channels at the most.” (6:44)

While Tobin found success with New North, he continues to scratch his entrepreneurial itch. Now, he is more focused on helping others with their startups. He loves observing and encouraging young entrepreneurs as they encounter things he has already experienced.

For me, it’s not about building the next big company for myself, but I’m really liking to see people come up and see them have this idea and watch it go through their brain like, I’ve seen that. I know what that feels like…That’s something that I think is awesome.” (26:49)

Part of this effort has been releasing his book Riding the Tornado. Tobin references what his experience has been in marketing, and he encourages others to follow in the ideas of taking advantage of change. While change can impair and paralyze businesses that hold too closely to their plans, he encourages young business owners to follow a north star. Establish your goal, but be willing to build a path that winds a bit. When you allow yourself to be inspired by outside changes, you can capitalize on them to jump ahead of your competition.

How will you take advantage of change this week?