6 de julio de 2020

200: Reunión de los adictos a las startups originales

In this Episode:

This week, Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, Matthew Ward, and Taylor Hasley have a zoom party with Michael Iseman, Media and Investor Education at AcreTrader, and Jon Cadieux, founder and owner of NWA Workplaces. During this special episode, the crew takes a trip down memory lane with some of the original Startup Junkies. You will get to hear about the early days of the Startup Junkies Podcast, COVID-19 related matters, and predictions of the economy. Come join the party to celebrate 200 episodes of the Startup Junkie Podcast!

Mostrar notas

[00:01:40] Thoughts about current economic situation

[00:09:20] How entrepreneurship is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute

[00:18:05] Media relations and the whole investor relations and investor experience 

[00:31:45] Discussing apocalyptic circumstances and the pandemic

[00:43:35] It’s going to be years before the airline industry recovers

[00:48:25] Luck is when opportunity meets preparation

[00:53:46] E-commerce has made malls irrelevant for

[00:58:25] Time to get back to fundamentally good economics and things that really make sense.


“When the market settled out and everyone got adjusted to their new normals. A lot of people were at home looking at their portfolio and trying to think about diversification in a new way.” [00:23:18]


Mateo Ward

Taylor Hasley

Jeff Amerine

Caleb Talley

Michael Iseman of AcreTrader

NWA Workplaces

Effects of COVID

If they were to find a cure today in a vaccine tomorrow, there’s a lot of damage that’s still gonna eat through the system, you know? It’s going to be years before the airline industry recovers, a lot of businesses are discovering. They don’t need to have people flying out every week to get stuff done.

Look at zoom, zooms innovate. Zoom has been around for years. This whole idea has been around for years. Like companies are figuring out how to use zoom and spend fractions on the cost of travel. People are getting used to the idea of conducting business way this way. Whereas before iit wasn’t necessarily the case.

Virtual Working 

When we are working from home, we might be getting more done on specific projects, but when we are in the office and need to feed off of other people’s brains and collaborate on something where we need input it just no alternative for being able to really just feed off of each other. Just being able to bounce off of in person, but being able to bounce stuff off each other, right on the dry erase board and just really feed off of everybody’s ideas.

Housing Markets

Historically when you look at recessions or corrections then the housing market has been lying in either a lagger or a predictor of what is to come depending on which crisis that you look at. There’s really two things that have to happen. It’s either the economy has to reopen completely, things need to start going back to normal, consumers need to spend or the feds need to keep dishing out checks. But when those checks stop and then what happens in the housing market? Do people start foreclosing on the mortgages? A lot of people now are making more money than they ever were before. When’s the federal relief going to quit happening? What does that effect going to be on the housing market? Where did the banks come into play? Are they going to continue to give forgiveness? And if so, that might help on the recovery side of things.